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Hearing Aid Accessories
Hearing aids aren’t just available in a wide range of sizes and styles; they can also accommodate a variety of accessories. Deciding which, if any, will benefit you can be tricky. You may want to speak with your audiologist to learn more about any particular product. Hearing Aid Accessories Some of the more popular hearing [...]
Hearing Aid Styles
Hearing aids have improved greatly with the advent of digital technology. If you’re picturing big and bulky devices with questionable sound quality, you’ll be pleased to learn today’s instruments are smaller, more comfortable and provide sound that is more natural. They are available in a variety of sizes and styles, so finding one that appeals [...]
Hearing Tests
Audiology evaluations consist of a series of tests used to determine whether a hearing loss exists and, if so, measure its type, degree and configuration. An audiologist will assess the results of each individual test in order to develop a treatment plan geared toward your unique hearing loss. Who Should Be Given an Audiology Evaluation? [...]
Hearing Loss Causes
Hearing loss is caused by damage to the inner, middle or outer ear. The most common cause of damage is  noise exposure and aging. Determining what is causing your specific type of hearing loss is necessary in order to provide you with the right treatment plan. Presbycusis The most common type of hearing loss is [...]
Experiencing Hearing Loss?
Think You May Have Hearing Loss? About 48 million people experience hearing loss, making it one of the most common chronic health conditions across the India. Because it usually develops gradually, many people don’t even realize they have a hearing impairment in India. In fact, it takes the average person seven years before they contact [...]
Tinnitus Treatments

There is no universal cure for tinnitus, but there are treatments that make it less of a distraction. Because tinnitus is a side effect of an underlying condition, identifying the problem may lead to a medical or surgical solution. The cure rates for pulsatile tinnitus are quite high once the problem has been identified. Unfortunately, […]

Tinnitus Evaluations

Tinnitus can manifest as an acute symptom lasting just a few days, or a chronic or recurring symptom lasting weeks, months or years. It is often described as a ringing in the ears, but is also reported to sound like hissing, buzzing, roaring, sizzling, clicking or other noise. If you’re one of the five percent […]


Ringing in the ear, or tinnitus, is a widespread condition that affects an estimated 20% people. Some people describe it as a hissing, roaring, whooshing or buzzing sound instead of ringing. It may be sporadic or constant, and is a symptom of an underlying condition rather than a disease itself. There are many factors that […]

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Diagnosis Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations Diagnosis Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations Check-ups Scheduled Routine check-ups Check-ups Scheduled Routine check-ups Hearing Comfort Hearing Aid Fittings Hearing Comfort Hearing Aid Fittings LUDHIANA’S BEST HEARING EXPERTS, UNDER ONE ROOF Your hearing is a finite resource, yet hearing assessments are rarely given the same level of respect as optometry health or physical [...]