5 Major Symptoms of Tinnitus & Its Affects on Our Hearing

Introduction about Tinnitus

Almost 15% to 20% of folks, primarily old aged people, come under its trap having adverse results. Tinnitus is a hearing defect that causes ringing & weird noises in one of the ears or both. Such noises are highly irritable & can cause problematic symptoms of Tinnitus. The noises evoked due to Tinnitus are generally not audible to the people around you. This ringing sound in your ears isn’t an outside noise but a result of it. Most of the symptoms of Tinnitus are treatable when detected at early stages. You can contact the well-known Marc Hearing aid Center in Ludhiana to avail the best hearing aids.


Symptoms of Tinnitus

Tinnitus Treatments

Tinnitus can lead to irritable noises & constant ringing in your ears. The following symptoms of Tinnitus are enough to detect it. 

  • Clicking
  • Buzzing
  • Hissing
  • Humming
  • Roaring


The above symptoms of Tinnitus can further lead to the following consequences –

  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Rhythmic Pulsing
  • Anxiety & Anger Issues
  • Extreme Stress
  • Whooshing sound
  • Severe Headaches
  • Sleeping Disorders 
  • Concentration Problems 
  • Falling relationships with family & work life


Risk Factors of Tinnitus

Everybody is prone to getting Tinnitus, but people with the following things increase their chance of getting it faster by 80%.  


  • Alcohol, Tobacco, Smoking & Drugs intake

Researchers have proved that Alcohol, Tobacco, smoking, and drugs are the biggest enemies to human health. It heightens an individual’s risk of getting Tinnitus in the future.  


  • Age Factor

The old aged people above 55 years are more at risk of getting tinnitus issues. Researchers say that as you age, your nerve fibres’ functionality declines gradually. It leads to mild to severe hearing loss problems due to Tinnitus. 


  • Access Noise Pollution

The risk of getting Tinnitus amplifies by 60% if you have a full-time job in a noisy environment. It includes the construction field, singing field, army, factories, etc. Moreover, if you spend more time travelling or listening to high-volume music, TV, radio, etc., you are also prone to getting it. 


  • Chronic Illnesses

Tinnitus also happens to people suffering from chronic illnesses like head injury, heart disease, arthritis, depression, cardiovascular issues, obesity, high blood pressure, etc. 


  • Gender-Based

According to authentic research-based studies, men are more likely to experience tinnitus issues as compared to women. 


Prevention of Tinnitus


Most tinnitus cases are avoidable by taking necessary measures and detecting the symptoms of Tinnitus beforehand. 


  1. Stop Overdose of nicotine, Alcohol & Caffeine.

We all know that extra doses of alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, smoking, and even drugs can severely affect your body. It can drastically stop the blood flow causing tinnitus problems. 


  • Use Low Volume

Listening to music or other content videos at a high volume can severely affect the functioning of the ears. It can further lead to tinnitus problems & hearing loss in extreme cases. 


  • Special Care of Cardiovascular Health

Researchers have shown that Tinnitus is indirectly correlated with obesity problems and blood vessel disruptions. Adopt a healthy lifestyle (daily exercise plus healthy food) & proper sleeping schedules to keep your heart healthy. 


  • Hearing Protection Measures

Use over-the-ear hearing protection tools to protect your ear nerves, primarily when you work in a field where loud noises are a part of it. It includes being a musician, gun shooter, singer, etc. 


Marc Hearing Center is the best Hearing aid Center in Ludhiana

Our experienced audiologists carefully analyze the Symptoms of Tinnitus & help you with the right decision based on your hearing problems. You are assured of getting the best hearing loss analysis with top-class hearing treatment solutions. Moreover, the best hearing aids are supplied by us that are FDA and other quality standards assured. Get your Symptoms of Tinnitus checked now and purchase the durable hearing aid machine from us today. 

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